Weinor Cassita II Awning Installation
With limited space above a French door and below a balcony, our customer had been told an awning installation wasn’t possible. However our experienced teams knowledge and expertise partnered with the innovative design of Weinor products meant we were able to deliver an exceptional awning that’s sleek, stylish and in keeping with the home’s aesthetic!
Installing a Weinor Cassita II cassette awning with spreader plates our awning specialists fulfilled the customers brief without compromise. The use of spreader plates and brackets allows us to install awnings in places others couldn’t. By applying these plates either side of an entry way, it gives the support needed to carry the weight of an awning in a space where it wouldn’t otherwise be possible.
The awning is a great addition to the home, providing ample shade on the sunny patio. Once retracted the blind cassette is sleek and unobtrusive, with no distractions from the lovely exterior.
Click here to see more installations of awnings on bungalows, above patio doors and below balconies by the Cooks Blinds teams!
Book a free home design visit and our friendly team will come to you, and assess the best way to install an awning for your home. Using our augmented reality app, we can show you what your home would look like with the different styles of awning – choose colours and fabric options on screen to design your perfect awning! Call 01603 410304 or email sales@cooksblinds.co.uk and book your free survey today!